The Elder Mediation Australasian Network (EMAN) Board and Resolution Institute Facilitative Elder Mediation Sub-Committee have put in a submission to the Mediation Standards Board for elder mediation to be considered as a new specialisation. Our proposal is that to be recognised as an elder mediator should require mediators to complete 30 hours of specialised elder mediation training and then the additional certification tasks required by the Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN). To this end, we have negotiated with the EMIN Board to make it easier for those who complete the elder mediation training to then complete the EMIN certification (basic or advanced), which we consider to be the ‘gold standard’.
As an outcome, EMIN has developed a special pilot project for mediators in Australia and New Zealand from February 2024 to January 2026 – see the details in the attached document EMIN Pilot Project Feb 2024 to Jan 2026. The EMIN website has now been set up to respond to people who want to apply to be an EMIN Certified Elder Mediator via the links in this attached document.
This EMIN pilot project offers substantially reduced costs and additional support for mediators who have completed (or plan to complete) 30 hours of elder mediation training provided by an EMIN Certified Elder Mediator (Advanced) trainer from 2015 to January 2026. In addition, the knowledge hours specified by EMIN to be completed can now be counted from 2015 onwards.
If you have completed two elder mediation workshops with an EMIN certified (Advanced) trainer – Dale Bagshaw &/or Judy Mccann-Beranger – you should have a credit of 40 hours and therefore will be eligible to register with EMIN for certification.
Those who have only completed 20 hours of elder mediation training to date will be able to enrol in a 10 hour online, up-skilling workshop with Dale Bagshaw to meet the 30-hour requirement (possibly 2 hours a week x 5 weeks – negotiable).
If you are wanting to be EMIN certified and need to do the 10-hour workshop, please notify me by email by January 31, 2024, so I can make the necessary arrangements.
If you have not completed any training and wish to enrol is a 30 hour online training program this year, please notify me by email by January 31, 2024, so I can make the necessary arrangements.
Warm regards