Boyle Alysoun

Alysoun Boyle has over 20 years experience in the dispute resolution field in Australia, practising predominately as a mediator.  She is also an experienced and respected dispute resolution trainer and educator, and has experience ind disputes system design.

Having developed Australia’s first statutory court-diversion program for opiate-dependent offenders,  and overseen the creation of innovative approaches for limiting overly restrictive responses to opiate dependency, the move to dispute resolution was a natural one.  Strongly committed to the principles of empowerment and self-determination, she “lives” them in her dispute resolution practice.  Rather than wondering whether or not people are capable of making their own decisions, she asks: “What can I do differently that will will make it easier for these people to make their own decisions?”

Alysoun holds mediator accreditation under the National Mediator Accreditation Standards (NMAS).

She is a PhD candidate investigating the attributes of effective mediators, and is currently working on a separate research project with direct relevance to aged care dispute resolution and elder mediation.

Professional Affiliations:

Senior Mediator Member: ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal
Director: Resolution Institute
Fellow: Former IAMA; Resolution Institute
Former National Councillor and National Vice-President – IAMA
Member: Australian Dispute Resolution Advisory Council (ADRAC)
Member: Law and Society Association (USA)


email address:

Mail address: PO Box 153, Mawson  ACT 2607

Phone number: 0414405304