Brasher Kathleen

With significant counselling skill and experience, Kathleen brings to her work as a mediator and Essential Conversations Designated FacilitatorÒ a high level of empathy and an ability to work sensitively and effectively with families.

Kathleen has had many years of experience in the health sector as a nurse, midwife, counsellor and academic working with a diversity of people in the public, private and government sectors. Kathleen holds a BApSci and a PhD from Monash University with certificates in counselling, governance and is currently studying for her certificates in mediation and as an Essential Conversations Project Designated FacilitatorÒ. She is a member of the Australian Association of Gerontology, the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the International Federation on Ageing

Kathleen’s commitment to improving the lives of older people found expression in her work with the WHO and its Age Friendly Cities and Communities approach. Some of Kathleen’s experience in issues of ageing includes her work with Council on the Ageing in Victoria and chair of the COTA Federation national approach to the development of Age Friendly Communities.

As an experienced, inspiring speaker and facilitator, Kathleen has presented at international and national forums on issues surrounding ageing, community engagement methods, and measuring organisational impact. In her academic career and beyond, Kathleen has published widely in a variety of formats. She has received awards for her personal qualities and contribution to families.


Dr Kathleen Brasher

PO Box 4034 Box Hill South, VIC 3128

M 0413 200 775

T 03 9898 7383