Doctor of Philosophy (Law), University of Sydney
Master of Dispute Resolution, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
Master of Arts (Philosophy), University of Sydney
Bachelor of Laws (Hons I), UTS
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (UTS)
Graduate Diploma in Media, Australian Film, Television and Radio School
Certificate in Arbitration, UTS/University of Adelaide
Accredited Mediator, National Mediation Accreditation System (NMAS)
Over the past 25 years, Raymond has provided dispute resolution services to a range of government and non-government agencies, including the Federal Court of Australia, Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Limited, Department of Communities and Justice (NSW), Professional Standards Office (NSW) (Australian Catholic Welfare Services), Workers Compensation Commission (NSW), Housing Appeals Committee (NSW), Centacare Sydney (Family Mediation Service), Child Support Agency (Review Office), Department of Corrective Services (NSW), Department of Juvenile Justice (NSW) and Health Care Complaints Commission (NSW).
His areas of practice are working with families, communities and workplace teams to manage conflict and resolve disputes. In providing these services, he is committed to an approach that is respectful of each participant’s identity, culture, values and aspirations.
As an educator, he has acted as a trainer and lecturer in Mediation and Human Rights.
Email: rmbrazil@bigpond.com
Telephone: (02) 9873 2173