I have had extensive experience, since being admitted as a lawyer in 1990, with the law (and clients’ needs) relating to elder law issues, wills and estates, power of attorney, advance care directives, businesses, family law, property, contracts and dispute resolution/management.
I have been in private practice continuously for nearly 25 years looking after families and small to medium businesses including dispute resolution etc. My commitment to non court resolutions commenced from the beginning of my legal career and was formalized with mediation qualifications in 1994 and arbitration training in 2001. I have had extensive experience over a long period of time in mediation and sensible dispute resolution/minimization.
I am very committed to appropriate and sensible dispute resolution where possible.. I firmly believe in the importance of each person involved in a dispute to be able to make informed decisions in a calm environment as possible. In my experience most matters most time will resolve where parties are assisted to and are committed to a sensible outcome.
The mediation process adopted by me is respectful and inclusive. All interested parties should be able to express their interests and concerns, be heard and understood by others involved. No one is forced to do anything nor agree to anything. It is up to the parties to attempt to resolve issues with my help as the mediator if they so decide.
Mediation is normally faster, more private, less costly (both financially and emotionally) and more effective than court options. It is also more likely to maintain future relationships.
My professional memberships include with the Law Society of SA, Law Council of Australia, the Tax Institute of Australia, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (former committee member) , Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, Resolution Institute (former state chairperson), the Global Collaborative Law Council, and the Australian Institute of Conveyancers (SA).. Until recent time constraints I sat on numerous professional committees. I continuously look to strengthen and improve my professional knowledge by attending ongoing development and training courses.
Belperio Clark are heavily committed to minimising the emotional and financial costs of legal disputes and accordingly actively promote appropriate dispute resolution including mediation, assisted negotiations, and collaborative law. I was one of the first trained collaborative lawyers in South Australia and was active in promoting this approach in to this state.
Collaborative law is a resolution focused process of dispute resolution in which clients and their lawyers commit to meet and negotiate their dispute without the threat of Court. If a party wants to go to Court after agreeing to conduct the matter collaboratively, the collaborative lawyers involved are disqualified from acting in the court action. This means that the lawyers acting in a collaborative matter are committed to negotiating a sensible settlement. The negotiations are conducted in good faith with the focus of all involved on a sensible “win/win” outcome. This also normally minimises the cost ($, emotional etc), delay, and collateral damage of disputes.
My personal interests include sport, food, food and food including commercial via an involvement in a café enterprise ,travel, home wine making, current affairs and attempting to learn to dance (certified 2 left feet).
Phone: 08 8212 1322
Mobile: 040 888 1234
Email: Charlie@bclaw.au