Network Members

TO JOIN EMAN, click on this link and forward the required information to

Join Elder Mediation Australasian Network – EMAN

Membership of EMAN is free at this stage and we welcome any person who is interested in conflict or mediation involving older people.

EMAN Board of Management

  1. Chair: Dale Bagshaw (South Australia)
  2. Secretary: Rhonda Whitfield (Victoria)
  3. Anna Quinn (New Zealand)
  4. Debbie Dunn (Tasmania)
  5. Gerard Sullivan (NZ)
  6. Virginia Leeuwenburg (South Australia)
  7. Vesna  Cvjeticanin (Canberra)
  8. Mike Hyde (NSW)
  9. Fiona Tait (NSW)

Member Organisation

Elder Abuse Action Australia


BLUNT, SaraCEO of James Brown Memorial
2 Kalyra Road, Belair SA 5052
(08) 8278 5444
South Australia

Adelaide SA

LLOYD, Davidfounding member of the Fremantle Mediation Group further information about David’s corporate arbitration and mediation services contact 0410 526 310 or email

JACOBSON, Sandra GailMasters of Mediation & Conflict Resolution, Australia

Johnston PennyDeputy Director Alice Springs and manager of mediation services at Relationships Australia Northern Address PO Box 8367 Alice Springs NT 0871
Phone: 08 89504100
Website Address:
Northern Territory

LESER MargDirector, accredited mediator at Marg Leser & 0408 523 230

Akkermans Kerrie Aged Care Assessor, Vice Chair of Elizabeth Bowery Lodge and as an Executive Officer for the Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability 4 Woodland Court, Torrens Park SA 5062
Mobile: 0417 872 389
South Australia
Alter Marcel Solicitor & dispute resolutions practitioner 3 Lawson Street, Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Tel: 0398246661
Fax: 0398043893
Mobile: 0425768242
Anderson, Susan Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at Anglicare Mail Address: 118 Macquarie St, Parramatta 2150
Tel: 0448 513 986
Armstrong Susan Associate Professor Organisation Western Sydney University Locked Bag 1797 Penrith 2750
Phone: 02 9685 9096
BAGSHAW, Dr Dale Mediator, Consultant, Trainer, Researcher.
Prof, University of SA 39, Fifth Avenue, St Peters, SA
Mobile: +61 408805641
South Australia
Bailey, Melinda Counsellor/Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner/Mediator at
Northern Frontiers Mediation 75 Digger Street, Cairns North, Qld 4870
Mobile: +61 4088056410419
Barker-Hudson Brydget Mediator, Family and Elder Mediator, Advance Construction Adjudicator, Arbitrator, Mentor and Trainer. Mail Address: PO Box 1655, Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
Phone: +61 0402 216 375 or (07) 4773 5565
Barker-Hudson Paul Mediator, Family and Elder Mediator Mail Address: PO Box 1655, Thuringowa Central Qld 4817
Phone: +61 0402 216 375 or (07) 4773 5565
BANKS, Dr Cate Phone: 0418 438 890
South Brisbane 4101.
BARKLA, Carolanne BNsg LLB/LP(Hons),| Residential Services Manager,
Aged & Community Services SA & NT 246, Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063
P: 08 8338 7111 |
F: 08 8338 7077
South Australia
:Beasley Sally Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Supervisor at Anglicare WA. P O Box 18, Osborne Park WA 6917
P: 0419 820 802Western Australia
Belperio Charlie Lawyer, Mediator, and Collaborative Practitioner at Belperio Clark Lawyers 94 Sturt St, ADELAIDE SA 5000
Phone: 08 8212 1322
Mobile: 040 888 1234
South Australia;
Berry, Prue Partner and co-founder at Fairway Mediation Solutionsr Tel: 0405 809 555
Blacow Anne-Marie Senior Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner/ Senior Mediator Address  : Peel Senior Relationships Service
7 cooper St, Mandurah WA 6210
Tel: 08 6164 0173
Blaney Brian Principal at Access Advocacy – Transforming People Through Dialogue 3/284 Waterworks Rd, ASHGROVE, QLD, 4060
P: 0422 331 943
Boyle Alysoun Sole practitioner and PhD candidate PO Box 153, Mawson ACT 2607
M 0414 405 304Australian Capital Territory
Dr Brasher Kathleen Mediator and Essential Conversations Designated Facilitator/td> PO Box 4034 Box Hill South, VIC 3128
M 0413 200 775
T 03 9898 7383
BARTLEY, Paul Mediator & Accountant: willing to help with incorporation and accounts South Australia
Bistak Lisa Care Management Officer & Regional Elder Abuse Awareness Liaison Officer Mobile: 0408 538 917
BLASHKI, Sue Retired Victorian Magistrate and a Nationally accredited mediator and accredited FDRP Mobile: 0418 179 972
Blayden, Judith Mediator, Consultant, Trainer at Ausresolve Management Services Mobile: 0408 491107
New South Wales
BLECHER, Yula Trained elder Mediator and FDRP mediator, Centacare, Sydney (in a former life a solicitor) 0417213958
New South Wales
Blayden, Ian Mediator at Ausresolve Management Services Phone 02 9416 7736; 02 9415 6747; 0417 461262
Mail Address: 14 Alison Street, Roseville NSW 2019
Brown, Rosemarie Mediator and Solutionist (also FDRP (Australia) and FDR Provider (NZ)) (owner) Bayside Mediation & Strategies (in NZ) and Bayside Mediation Services Phone 0800 SOLVER (0800 765 837)
Mobile (64) 275 141 825
Mail Address: 114 South Road, Brighton East, VIC 3187 (or P O Box 67-015, Mt Eden, Auckland 1349, NZ)
Phone Number(s): 0432 680 227 (Australian mobile) or +64-275141825 (NZ phone)New Zealand, Victoria
BRENNAN, Stephen Employee Ombudsman, AGD; mediator Stephen Brennan |
T (08) 8207 1970 f (08) 8207 1937
South Australia
Brazil Raymond Mediator |PO Box 4736 North Rocks NSW 2151
T (02) 9873 21737
BUSSENSCHUTT, Joanne Lois South Australia
Byrne Nicola Practice Lead Mediation, East and West
Lead mediator for FMC Seniors Mediation services
FMC Mediation and Counselling Victoria
FMC, 367 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, 3134
03 9847 5888
0422 087347
CARROLL-BELL, Rebecca Principal Mediator at RCB Mediation Services North Melbourne Post Shop, PO Box 535, North Melbourne Vic 3051
Phone: 0411 770 125
Carlyon J.P. Leasa Elder Mediator (including Elder Abuse), Restorative Justice Facilitator, Justice of the Peace, at Community Law Wellington & Hutt Valley and Welcom3 Limited 8 Moorhouse Street, Wadestown, Wellington
Tel: 027 555 0623
CARROLL, Robyn Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Western Australia The University of Western Australia Law School M253 | 35 Stirling Highway | Crawley WA 6009 | Australia
Tel: +618 6488 2965 | Fax: +618 6488 1045 | Mob: +61407774644
View my research on my SSRN Author page:
Western Australia
Carter, Nick Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Office of the Public Advocate SA GPO 461, Adelaide, 5001 SA
Phone Number(s): 08 8342 8200 or 0488 405879
| Australia
Ceravolo, Mary CALD Program – Coordinator Community Health & Wellbeing
/td> City of Salisbury
1 Orange Ave, Salisbury, South Australia, 5108
P: 08 8406 8222W:
South Australia
CHAN, Elizabeth mediator trained at the International Mediation Campus and Family Mediation Canada P: 0400 640 104
CHOAT, MALCOLM Associate Member – Australian Psychology Society, BPsych (Hons-Div 1), University of New England
Masters of Clinical Leadership, University of New England
Grad Certificate Dispute Resolution, UTS Sydney
Bachelor of Laws, University of Sydney P: 0400 640 104
Chong, Yue En MANAGING DIRECTOR at BETHEL CHAMBERS LLC Phone Number(s): +65 6980 0230 / +65 6980 0737
Chee Deborah Mediator, Mediation for Elders. Consultant, FC Health Services Research. DSC Law Firm
Suite 201, Level 2
10 Help Street
Chatswood NSW 2067
CHEOK, Dr Frida Senior consultant of ClearSky Legal, and the principal of DSC Law Firm in Chatswood PO Box 536 North Adelaide, 5006
Mobile: 0438 811 872
South Australia
Clarke, Helen Accredited mediator with the Resolution Institute in New Zealand
New Zealand
CONNOR, Shane Barrister and Mediator Pearson Chambers
Suite 2, 23 Middle Street
Cleveland Queensland 4163
Mail: PO Box 5353 Manly Q 4179Tel: 07 3103 2446Fax: 07 3286 7107
Mob: 0402 211 517
Cooke David Team Leader – Ringwood, Broadmeadows and Werribee FMC sites,
FMC Mediation and Counselling Victoria 367 Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, 3134
Phone Number(s) 03 9487 5858, 0402 165 774
Comber Connie Founder and Mentor at Positive Steps for Later Life 3/218 Ben Boyd Rd Cremorne NSW 2090
Phone Number 0418 488 819
CVJETICANIN Vesna NMAS-accredited mediator at Impact Mediation
CRAIG Garth Adelaide Aged Care Financial Advisers. General Manager of Hindmarsh Square Wealth Advisers P/L T/as Adelaide Aged Care Financial Advisers GPO Box 599, Adelaide, 5001
Phone Number(s) (08) 8223 6899
Fax Number: (08) 8223 3710
South Australia
Cyngler, Jim Director, Conflict Expert, Principal Trainer Jim Cyngler Consulting
PO Box 1075, Hawksburn, VIC 3142
Phone(s): +61 3 9528 1414 / +61 412 108 390
Website Address :
Dacy Anthea Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at Victoria Legal Aid FDRS, Legal Aid NSW FDRS Ph: +61 439 220 696
Mail Address: PO Box 1459, Warragul VIC 3820
DANIS, Nihal Accredited mediator. Worked with older people in the NSW Guardianship Tribunal Ph: 0419 410 994
Address: 81 Abergeldie Street, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203.
DAY Kathy Community Aged Care and Disability Services Industry Consultant Ph: 0408 396 132
Address: 12 Walker St Stawell  VIC 3380
De BRUIN, Clare Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Nationally Accredited Mediator Ph: 0425 733 930
Dellelegn, Betelehem Psychology Student 3D Rosedale Avenue, Blair Athol, SA 5084
Phone: 0417698480
Doyle, Naomi Senior FDRP, Clinical Supervisor at Your Family Matters mediation Greater Sydney and online,
phone: +61 (0)404 362 601
DUPUCHE, Angela Relationship Counselling and Education Services, LifeWorks 1 Johnson Ave
Hoppers Crossing, VIC 3029
Ph: (03) 9974 3200
DYCE, Sian Founder at Organisation Family Talks Ph: 0428 911 664
Bega NSW 2550
Edwards Wendy Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at Wendy Edwards Mediation
Mail Address; 4 Olley Court, Brookfield, QLD, 4069
Phone Number(s) 0477 058738
Earles, René Senior Coordinator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at SA Family Law Pathways Network, Relationships Australia and Legal Services Commission
Mail Address; 161 Frome St Adelaide
Phone Number(s) 8419 2000
Fax Number: 8232 2898
South Australia
Fraser, Lachlan Mediator/Co-Founder at Empowered Resolutions
FARRELL, Andrew Office of the Employee Ombudsman South Australia
Feeney, Kay Director. Family Law Accredited Specialist; Address Level 3, 159 Coronation Drive (cnr Cribb Street) , Milton, 4064 QLD PO Box 970, Paddington 4064 QLD
FIEGEHEN, Jeannette Senior Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Centacare Family Services Jeannette Fiegehen Senior Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Family Dispute Resolution Services| Family Relationship Services
Centacare Catholic Family Services | 45 Wakefield Street ADELAIDE SA 5000
P: 08 8210 8200| F: 08 8232 8920
South Australia
FLETCHER, Ian  Ian Fletcher  Mediator with specialist interest in Elder Mediation
Organisation:  Positive Solutions  ‘Positive Solutions’, 162 Mac quarter St, Hobart.
Phone: 03 62235612
FORD, Julie Social worker, member of QCAT Queensland
Fraser, Bryan Principal – Arbitrator, Mediator, Conciliator at Trident Commercial Solutions 26 Carlingford Street, Bathurst NSW 2795
Phone: 0418 803 163
FRANCIS, James Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner for the Australian Defence Force and a serving Army Officer 16 Power Pde
FRAYMAN, Anita, Dr Accredited mediator with special interest in older people. Aged care consultant and educator. Dr Anita Frayman
P.O. Box 635
Malvern VIC 3144
Tel: 0419 107 837
GUNN, William Candidate for a Master’s of Laws (Applied Law) with the College of Law Australian Lawyer and Mediator – Vic Resolve
Mob: 0435 007 422
GRACE, Carole Accredited Mediator, Facilitator, Conflict Coach Grace Legal Pty Ltd
106, Plymouth Rd
VIC, 3134
Ph: +61 3 9876 2884
Mob: 0414 342 884
GRANT, Yvonne PO Box 738, North Sydney
NSW, 2059
Ph: +61 405 356 563
HADLEY, Stephen Complaints Resolution Officer | Aged Care Complaints Scheme | Free Call 1800 550 552 | Fax: 08 8237-8070
South Australia
Hendrickse, Celine Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at Relationships Australia | Perth, WA
Hempling, Rachael Barrister, Nationally Accredited Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner | French Quarter Chambers and Mediation | Phone Number(s) 07 5618 8212 – m: 0403655805
Address: Suite 15, 3029 The Boulevard Emerald Lakes, Carrara QLD 4211
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) in her private practice,
Spectrum Mediations 0425 725 224
Hickey Amanda Proprietor at Evoke Professional Services
Owner operator of a Mediation and professional services business 2 Amaroo Avenue Wahroonga, Sydney, NSW 2076
Phone Number(s)
(w)02 8520 3157;
(m) 0430 064 797
Hyde Mike Director/Mediator at The mediation Specialists Group Pty Limited 0476 061 988
Mail Address: P O Box 5370 Kenmore East QLD 4069
HOPE Jane Principal Mediator & Coach at ATD Mediation Mobile 0427525772
HOWARD ROBIN Senior Case Manager KidsAreFirst Parenting Orders program | Anglicare SA 83014202 (direct line) Mobile 0411468421
South Australia
HALSMITH, Margaret Mediator: commercial, workplace and family;
FDR practitioner;
Appointed mediator under Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth) and
Principles 2000 – 2008 Ph: +61 8 9388 1272Western Australia
HARDWICK, Paul Solicitor Meridian Lawyers
Level 8, 77-79 Hunter Street
Newcastle NSW 2300
Ph: +61 2 4948 4784
Mob: +61 2 0438 411 647
Fax: 02 4017 0009
HARKNESS; Lindy Manager -Wellness Programs l ECH Inc
Community Services 174 Greenhill Rd. Parkside SA 5063
T 08 84075151 | M 0438272530 | F 08 84075130
South Australia
HUTTON, Melissa Service Leader
Youth Justice Conferencing, Brisbane Department of Justice and Attorney-General 41 Murray Street Bowen Hills QLD 4010
T: 07 32749911 |
M: 0407511134 |
F: 07 32749979
HUNT, Michael accredited mediator and a clinical member of Australian Family Therapy Association PO Box 218, CAULFIELD SOUTH Vic 3162
Phone: 0428 043 888
Humphreys, Jayne Principal at JL Humphreys & Associates PO Box 4230 Lugarno NSW 2210
Phone: 0405 718 838
Jarvis, Fiona Director, Funeral Celebrant, Mediator RMAB: Law Society of South Australia <>; South Australia
James Alison Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) Tasmania
Jones, Eliza Nationally Accredited Mediator and Restorative Justice Practitioner Tasmania
Kain Christine Lawyer Perth Western Australia
Mob: 0437571518
Western Australia
Kelly Simon Mediator @ Solve Mediation/ Uniting Care 4/63 Lorien Way Kingscliff 2487
Mob: 0413668067
Northern NSW
Kelly Marie Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner @ MEDE8 Resolutions PO Box 3678, Burleigh Town, QLD 4220
Mob: 0420 559 598
Kenny Len Senior Casual Mediator @ Relationships Australia (NSW).s 38 Cecil Street, Denistone East. 2112. NSW
Mob: 0438 083 395
Kassapidis Peter Dispute resolution practitioner. Mediators in the Magistrates Court of South Australia and other national mediation panels. South Australia
KINAHAN, Jeanette Director, Work Health Systems PO Box 1019 Camberwell
VIC 3124
Mob: 0418 554 129
Klinkert Anja Anja Klinkert Lawyer & Mediator telephone \03 477 7267
New Zealand
Koch Patricia MEDIATOR & CHILD CONSULTANT @ Relationships Australia Phone Number(s) 02 9953 2632 – m: 0417 22 66 80
Address: 10/128 HOLT AVENUE, CREMORNE. NSW. 2090
KUSS, Annette Elder Mediator telephone 08 83653846 & 0431818305
South Australia
LACEY, Dr Wendy Associate Professor,
Associate Head of School
School of Law
University of South Australia George St, City West Campus
Adelaide, SA 5000
GPO Box 2471
Adelaide, SA 5001
Ph: +61 8 8302 7127
Fax: +61 8 8302 7128
South Australia
LAIRD, Susan Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Mediator Teaching english as a second language. Mediation work as a freelanceVictoria
LAM, Hollia Nationally Accredited Mediator under the Australian National Mediator Accreditation System.
Head of Asia at Madison Branson Lawyers.
Wide Australia, Hong Kong, China and Online
Lenagh, Cecilia Mediator & Social Worker at Engage Conflict Consulting Mail Address: PO Box 125, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444
Phone Number(s): +61 (02) 6585 0008; mobile +61 0429 040 020
Fax Number: +61 (02) 9475 4863
Website Address:
LA STARZA Carmela Adelaide Aged Care Financial Advisers. Senior Adviser, Adelaide Aged Care Financial Advisers GPO Box 599, Adelaide, 5001
Phone Number(s) (08) 8223 6899
Fax Number: (08) 8223 3710
South Australia
Lennox, Rochelle Mediator at Relationships WA, Peel Senior Relationship Service Mail Address PO Box 1640, BUNBURY, WA, 6231
Phone Number(s) 0403 893 460
Westren Australia
Leeuwenburg Virginia Executive General Manager at Post Separation and Gambling Help Services tel: 82165236 fax: 8232 2898
LEWIS, Myrna CEO and Director of Professional Services, Deep Democracy International LtdCEO Dharma Consulting Mob: +27 (0) 82 651 8377PO Box 2038, Jukskei Park
2153 Gauteng, SOUTH AFRICAPO Box 287, 4th Floor, West Wing, Trafalgar Court
Admiral Park, St Peter Port, GUERNSEY, GYI 3RL
Logan Kathryn Mediator at Assay Engagement and Resolution Pty Ltd Website: TBA
Phone Number: 0416 083 884
LONSDALE, Kevin  Accredited mediator Website:    ACT
Lucas, Catherine Mediator at “The Resolution Practice” Website:
Lynch Jean  Mediator, Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Centrsl Coast, NSW
McDonald Alan Peter Alan McDonald is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and an Accountant Address 15/263-265 Midson Road
Beecroft NSW 2119
Telephone (0414399219) (02 80948642)
Millar-Hoffmann Louise Nationally Qualified Mediator (NMAS) and a Registered Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Practitioner Telephone 0408 513 181
Maguire Michael MEDIATOR | Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner | FACILITATOR private mediation
M: 0419 679 779
78 Macgregor Terrace BARDON 4065
Matthews, Spencer Member of AMINZ with qualifications in mediation and arbitration through Massey and Charles Sturt Universities. private mediation
Phone: 021 1811734
Website: a href=””
Auckland area
New Zealand
MANNING Karl LLB, accredited mediator, CERT IV TAA Manning Consulting
T: +61 (0)7 3181 5745
M: +61 (0)434 959 509Level 27 Santos Place
32 Turbot Street
Brisbane 4000 Australia
Mahney Greg Chief Executive at Advocare Inc 1 / 190 Abernethy Rd, Belmont
Western Australia, 6104
Phone Number(s) (08) 9479 7566
Fax Number: (08) 9479 7599Western Australia
MARR, Peter Accredited Specialist Family Law Peter Marr and Associates Ltd, Solicitors
13, Queen Street
PO Box 643
Ph: (02) 6643 1011
MARSHALL, Caroline Partner/Senior Consultant at Facilitatrix PO Box 5167,
East Victoria Park, WA, 6981
Ph: 0450 091478
Mob: 0472 864763
Website Address:
Western Australia/strong>
MARSHALL, Patrick, Dr Educator, Mediator, Facilitator ‘Roseneath’, 39 Avon Road,
Avonsleigh VIC 3782
Ph: 03 59685414
Mob: 0472 864763
MARTIN Jennifer
Professor Jenny Martin
Federation University AUSTRALIA Federation University AUSTRALIA

MOBILE 0438 424 799

Mayne Rachael Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at Relationships Australia Wagga Wagga, NSW 36-40 Gurwood Street, Wagga Wagga 2650
Tel: 02 6923 9100
36-40 Gurwood Street, Wagga Wagga 2650
McBURNIE, Lindy Director of Nursing, Aged Care Facility, Masters student UniSA SYDNEY, WOLLONGONG, NOWRA
McNamara, Jo-Anne M Principle Mediator – ADRAMS MEDIATION SERVICES LEVEL 1 – Suite 31 – THE AGONIS Business Centre
2232b Albany Highway, Gosnells, 6110 WA
McNamara, Philip James Principal Solicitor – McNamara & Associates Lawyers and Conveyancers South Australia
MOLOMBY, Amanda Accredited Elder Mediator
Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Conflict Management Coach
Trainer and Faciliator Consensus Conflict Management
PO Box 2476
Ascot QLD 4007
Phone 61732628222
Mobile 0438221313
MOORE, Gillian Mediator | Director at Senior Living Mediation Consensus Conflict Management
Offices in Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast.
Contact info
Miller, Bonnie Director, Melbourne Mediation Centre Pty Ltd Director, Melbourne Mediation Centre Pty Ltd
PH: 0414 405 057
Address: Kew Executive Suits,
832 High Street, Kew East VIC 3102Victoria
Mollison Toni Organisation TSL Counselling Mail Address: PO Box 213 WYONG NSW 2259
Phone Number: 0432 998 858
Fax Number: 02 4356 2601
Mail Address 165 Gellibrand Drive Sandford Tasmania 7020
Morrissey Jim FDRP/Mediator at CatholicCare Broken Bay./td> Mail Address: PO Box 213 WYONG NSW 2259
Phone Number: 02 4356 2600
Fax Number: 02 4356 2601
Website Address:
Murphy Jill Workplace and family mediator at Open Road Consulting/td> Open Road Consulting
Phone 0412 992 882
Level 4, 45 William Street
Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Website Address:
Müller Roland Special Counsel at Parke Lawyers Phones: 03 8699 4099 / 0417 777 888
Mail Address: GPO Box 66 Melbourne Victoria 3001
Neighbour Vynka-lee Accredited Mental Health Social Worker at Vynka-lee Neighbour Counselling PO Box 414, Horsham, Vic, 3402
P: 0437120034
F: 0351811531
NITSCHKE, Elly Mediator Office of the Public Advocate
South Australia
Nourse, Rosemary  Manager and Clinical Leader at WellElder, specialising in counselling for older people. Counsellor and mediator. Riddiford House, 94 Riddiford Street, Newtown, WELLINGTON 6021
Phone number: 64 04 380 2440
Fax number: 64 04 380 2449
Website address:
Noonan, Gaynor Health Advocate/ Team Leader -Older People’s Rights Service at Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre 10 Cobbler Place, Mirrabooka WA 6061
Phone number: 08 9440 1663
Website address:
Oayda, Robert Nationally Accredited Mediator and Principal at Dispute Resolution Pty Ltd Phone Number(s): 0433 087 959
Website Address:
O Maolalaí Seosamh Facilitator and Mediator, HR Department at Health Services, Ireland seosamh.omaolalai@hse.ieu 1 St Philomena’s Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11
Phone Number(s): 4962 7000; 0448 484 469Website Address:
Irving Peter Mediator in private practice 1/29 Gilderthorpe Avenue, Randwick NSW 2031
Phone Number(s): (02) 9399 3142, 0404 493 142
Fax number: (02) 9326 4826
Regan, Davina NMAS Accredited Mediator and a NSW Attorney General accredited Family
Dispute Resolution Practitioner
Level 11, 65 York Street
Mediation Moves Pty Ltd
Sydney, NSW, 2000
Mobile: 0417 460 629
O’Rourke Susan Susan O’Rourke Solicitor & Director O’ROURKE AND ASSOCIATES Level 11, 65 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
O’Loughlin Sally Regional Manager Hunter and Central Coast , NSW program Manager for Younger onset Dementia, Alzheimers Australia NSW 2 Percy Street Hamilton NSW 2303
Phone Number(s): 00353876680623; 0035316626966
Fax Number: 0035316626977
Website Address:
O’Sullivan Tom Mediator | Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner | Solicitor Organisation: O’Sullivan Mediation Pty Ltd Suite 15, Level 2, 123 Clarence St, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Website Address:
Papalia, Kim Assistant Commissioner, Queensland Corrective Services Tel: 07 3565 7554
Mail Address: L24 50 Ann St Brisbane Queensland 4000
Passlow Gabrielle Elder Mediator at Relationships Australia Queensland Tel: 07 53539184
Address:PO Box 2009 Woorim 4507 QLD
Pepper Tim Consultant, Specialist in Estate and Business Planning, Superannuation, Tax and Commercial Law Tel: (08) 8245 8100 |
Office : 49a Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh 5007South Australia
Perry Cathy counsellor and case manager currently work for Relationships Australia SA. Tel: (08) 9325 1700 | Fax: (08) 9221 2962 |
Office : Ground Floor, Irwin Chambers, 16 Irwin Street, Perth WA 6000 | Mail : PO Box Z5403 Perth WA 6831
Western Australia
Pitts Chris Director at Bridge Mediation, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Arbitrator Grade 3, Conflict Management. Level 14, 201 Miller Street, North Sydney NSW 2060.
Phone: 0419 294 277
PINDRALL, Pam Manager, Healthy Ageing 12 James St
Salisbury SA 5108
Ph: 08 8106 8371
Mob: 0401 984 775
South Australia
PORTER, Annette South Australia
POWELL,Carol New Zealand
Price Kathryn Managing Director at Chalice Consulting 9 Landor Place, Kambah ACT 2902
Phone: 0414340024
Website Address: www.chaliceconsulting.comACT
Pryor Bonnie Director at Bonnie Pryor Mediation PO Box 5679 Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone: +61 428 423 644
QUINN, Anna Mediator, Trainer, Consultant Ph: +64 9 3600740
New Zealand
Ranson Barry Principal at Austwide Mediation Pty Ltd. Phone: 0411 390 707
Fax: 03 9374 3177
PO Box 327, Moonee Ponds
Richards Nicholas Mediator, FDRP & Lawyer, Managing Director & Principal Mediator, Mediation for Families (ADR Services Pty Ltd) PO Box 39 Camp Hill QLD 4152
Ph: 1300 538 724
RECHT Sam Tisher Liner FC Law – Partner Level 2, 333 Queen Street
Melbourne Victoria 3000
Ph: (03) 8600 9333
Rechter, Sue Lecturer, Australian Catholic University Australian Catholic University
Mobile: 0403 185 207
Address: 48 Kitchener St Box Hill Sth Vic 3128
Regan, Jen Principal Mediator, Focal Point Mediation Mobile: 0481 385 352
Mail Address: 35 Raeburn Rd ROLEYSTONE WA 6111
RICHTER, Ruth Quality Support Manager, Blue Cross; experienced mediator and trainer BlueCross Community and Residential Services
Mobile: 0424 058 085
Address: Lvl 1, 117 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123
PO Box 255, Glen Iris VIC 3146
ROSS, Margaret Barrister/Mediator; accredited mediator 360 King William St
Adelaide SA 5000
South Australia
ROLLS, Brenda retired from Mediator, Fair Work Ombudsman, Australian Government South Australia
Rudnik, Elena Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner @ Centacare Country SA Resolved Mediation Services PO Box 11, Tanunda SA 5352
South Australia
Phone Number(s) 08 8641 0432 /0400286900South Australia
SHAW Alison SHAW Mediation Australia, Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) and FDRP PO Box 6341
Halifax Street Post Office
Level 30 / 91 King William Street
1300 768 496
0416 589 049
South Australia
SHAW, Ena Family Dispute Training Manager Mobile: 0400926060
SHAW, Vicki Founder and Principal of Ashridge Mediation/td> Mobile: 0425 246 683
SHEA HART, Dr Amanda Child and Family Consultant & Mediator
61 400 926060 Connect Psychology
90 Opey Ave Hyde Park SA 5061
Mobile: 61 400 926060
South Australia
SIMBI, Esther Lead Upper House Candidate for Dignity for Disability for the 2014 State Elections. Mob: 0423443599
South Australia
Symons Mick Managing Director – Anti Corruption Consultants Australia PO Box 270 Stanhope Gardens NSW 2768
Phone: +61 (0)438888651
Simpson Cady Lawyer at CRH Law Phone: 07 3236 2900
Level 7, 193 North Quay, Cnr Herschel St & North Quay, Brisbane 4000
Silver Michele FDRP at Relationships Australia Phone: 0414 830 865


SOURDIN, Tania, Professor Dean of Newcastle University Law School New South Wales
Sullivan, Gerard Mediator PO Box 217-085
Botany Junction, Auckland 2164
New Zealand
Sutton, Bill Co-ordinator at Family Dispute Resolution, Mediation & Family Relationship Pone:02 43562600
Fax: 02 43562601
New South Wales
Stepanov, Nikola Associate Professor or Dr
NDirector Q Resolutions Pty Ltd; Director Centre for Health Ethics, Law and Education and Ph: +61 457 300 669
Mob: +61 457 300 669
STESIN, Vasantha Principal, Stesin Legal.
Nationally accredited mediator Ph: 03 9596 0697
Mob: 0412 327771
STEVENS, Gillian Assistant Director OACQC Aged Care Complaints Scheme
SA State Office
Department of Health and Ageing
Phone: 08 82378249
Mobile 0424752953
South Australia
STEWARD, Donna Senior Director, Debt Workforce Implementation
Australian Government Taxation Office 747 Collins St,
Docklands VIC 3008
Ph: 03 9937 9503
Mob: 0419 202 984
STODULKA, Tom Mediator
Stranger Anne-Marie Accredited Mediator at ResolveitNow ResolveitNow, C/o PO Box 176,Blackmans Bay; Tasmania 7052
Mobile: 0438328034
Swan, Donna Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Relationships Australia Victoria Mail Address 79 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough
Phone: 0419896350
SWETENHAM, Clare Manager, Family Mediation, Centacare Family Services
Mediator South Australia
Tait, Fiona Elder Mediator and FDRP @ Relationships Australia NSW Phone: 0402 988 601
Terracini, Dennis Proprietor: Mediation with Purpose Level 1 The Realm
18 National Circuit
Barton ACT 2600 Australia
Phone +61 2 6287 3164 0414 654 324 (mobile)
Tetu, Kathy Principle Mediator & Coach with Coaching, Conflict Management Mediation 29 Gavey St, Mayfield, Newcastle NSW 2304
Phone Number(s) (02) 48609881 / 0428569010
New South Wales
Thredgold, Jann Australian Lawyer | Nationally Accredited Mediator | FDRP| Child Consultant PO Box 638 Bendigo Central, Vic, 5552
Phone Number(s) 0428 338 038
Underwood Galatee Director/Mediator at Underwood Mediation Phone: 0434 105 156
Western Australia
VLACHOULIS, Maria A/Chief Strategic Project Officer | Office for the Ageing |
SA Health | Level 3 162 Grenfell Street | SA 5000
PO Box 196 Rundle Mall Adelaide 5001 |
Tel: 8204 2422
Fax: 8204 2430
South Australia
Vohralik John Solicitor and Mediator, Vohralik Mediation (NMAS Accredited Mediator) Mobile 0417 249 367
WATERHOUSE, Adam Social Services Officer
The Advocacy & Support Centre Inc., Toowoomba Seniors Legal and Support Service (SLASS) program
The Advocacy and Support Centre Inc
Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Ph: 07 4616 9700 |
WAINCYMER, Jeff Arbitration and mediation practitioner 45, Victoria Rd, North Malvern
Australia 3144
WEBB, Dr Eileen Professor
Faculty of Law 35 Stirling Highway | Crawley WA 6009 | Australia
Tel: +618 6488 2947 | Fax: +618 6488 1045 webb
Western Australia
WEBBERLEY, Max LL.B Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Sydney City Family Relationship Centre
118 Sussex St Sydney 2000Ph 02 8235 1500 Fax 02 9279 3036
New South Wales
WHITFIELD, Rhonda Non Executive Director, Executive Mentor, Mediator (Nationally Accredited) CHURCHILL WOOD Professional Services
Governance | Mentoring | Dispute Resolution
M: + 61 438 358 403
Queensland and Victoria
Appts at 62 Wellington Parade, EAST MELBOURNE
Welsh, Christine An accredited mediator and member of professional bodies including LEADR, ADRA and the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Owner at One More Step 25 Surf Circle,
Tura Beach,
NSW 2548
New South Wales
WILLIAMS, Karen Barrister
Juris Doctor, Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Health Services Management P: (07) 30128120
M: 0424640290
Chambers: Level 8, Inns of Court, 107 North Quay Brisbane 4000
P: PO Box 244
RBH Post Office, Herston 4029
Willis, Temara Principal Mediator at Adelaide Family Mediation P:(03) 8563 9544
M: 0410 928 191 111, 33 Pirie Street,
Adelaide SA 5000
South Australia
WOODBRIDGE, Sandra, Dr Convenor Bachelor of Human Services Program (Gold Coast)
Convenor Grad Cert in Human Services (Social Gerontology) Griffith University
University Drive
Meadowbrook Qld 4131

Members Profiles

Akkermans Kerrie

Kerrie is a senior executive and business owner with experience in mediation, strategic management, leadership, marketing, human resource management, cultural change and conflict management, business development, public relations, client/member relationship management, best practice and quality/WHS systems. In her roles as an Aged Care Assessor, Vice Chair of Elizabeth Bowery Lodge and as an Executive Officer for the Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability she has worked extensively with older persons.
She brings to the table an extensive track record in working with boards and organisations to achieve strategic objectives and project outcomes in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Fraser, Lachlan

Lachlan is a nationally accredited mediator (AMDRAS) and currently completing his practicum for his Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution and looks to practice as an FDRP in the 2025. Starting his journey as a Mediation Officer for the NSW …

Fraser, Lachlan Read More »

Alter Marcel

I have been a lawyer for over 40 years with a wide ranging practice. I have also been an active member of numerous community associations. I have elderly parents, adult children and grandchildren. I came to mediation on the realisation …

Alter Marcel Read More »

Anderson, Susan

As an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with fourteen years’ experience, I assess, refer, and work with families in a team approach of best practice to facilitate positive outcomes for each individual family. The value of the whole family is …

Anderson, Susan Read More »

Armstrong Susan

Susan is a mediator, family dispute resolution practitioner and professor of law at Western Sydney University. |She has researched and published in the areas of  family law, family dispute resolution, mediation, domestic violence, legal education and culturally appropriate and just …

Armstrong Susan Read More »


Melinda has 30+ years counselling experience working with people from a broad demographic across a wide range of life issues. She credits her success as a counsellor and mediator to a wealth of varied professional and personal life experiences. In …

BaileyMelinda Read More »


Lise is a nationally accredited mediator and has worked for the NSW Community Justice Centre for the past eight years, mediating hundreds of disputes in a wide range of areas including neighborhood disputes, disputes over wills and estates, property disputes and workplace disputes. Since 2005, Lise has been a Guardian Ad Litem with the NSW Department of Attorney General and Justice, assisting people who lack capacity to participate in mediation, conciliation and litigation.


Dale is a practicing Certified Elder Mediator with the Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN) and an adjunct Professor in the School of Psychology, Social Work and Social Policy, University of South Australia where she was previously Head of School, the Director of Postgraduate Studies, Program Director for the Masters/Graduate Diploma in Mediation and Conflict Resolution and the Doctor of Human Service Research, and the Director of the Centre for Peace, Conflict and Mediation (1973-2009).

Banks Cate

Dr Cate Banks began her career as a Registered Nurse and continued specialising in intensive care while studying law. While Cate works primarily as a conflict resolution professional she is a solicitor with an LLB (Hons), B. Com (Politics and Public Policy), Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and a Ph.D in law. Cate holds numerous qualifications in mediation including a Grad Cert. Dispute Resolution, Vocational Grad Diploma FDR. Cate is a Nationally Accredited Mediator (AG’s Dept) with LEADR, DRB (JAG) and Qld Law Society. Cate always provides individualised service to clients uses her communication skills to guide clients to build trust and confidence in the process that opening dialogue, whatever the outcome, will empower them to traverse the complex personal situations they may be facing.

Beasley Sally

Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Supervisor (and also trainer, workplace mediator, parent educator…) at Anglicare WA. Contact: Email Address: Mail Address: P O Box 18, Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone Number: 0419 820 802

Berry, Prue

Prue is an accomplished leader with a diverse background spanning corporate roles, emergency services, law, local and state government, and higher education. With a depth of experience in crisis management, corporate leadership, and negotiation experience in various fields, Prue is …

Berry, Prue Read More »

Belperio Charlie

I have had extensive experience, since being admitted as a lawyer in 1990, with the law (and clients’ needs) relating to elder law issues, wills and estates, power of attorney, advance care directives, businesses, family law, property, contracts and dispute resolution/management.

I have been in private practice continuously for nearly 25 years looking after families and small to medium businesses including dispute resolution etc. My commitment to non court resolutions commenced from the beginning of my legal career and was formalized with mediation qualifications in 1994 and arbitration training in 2001. I have had extensive experience over a long period of time in mediation and sensible dispute resolution/minimization.

Blacow Anne-Marie

Anne-Marie is a senior mediator with Relationships Australia WA and lead mediator in the Peel Senior Relationship Program. She has thirty years’ experience as a social worker in the United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland and Australia working in many diverse areas, …

Blacow Anne-Marie Read More »

Blaney Brian

Brian Blaney – Grad Dip FDR; M.Ed; M. L’ship; Dip T; Grad Did Ed Stud.; Cert III Sys. Theol; Cert IV in Training and Assessment

Brian Blaney has an education background as teacher, principal, supervisor, educational consultant and mediator and has worked with communities for 50 years. These experiences have enhanced the knowledge and skills that are drawn upon when assisting clients seeking help to resolve conflict.

Blayden Judith

Judith is a consultant and mediator with over 18 years working in the field of conflict resolution. Alternative dispute resolution activities include individual and co-mediation and chairing dispute resolution conferences as well as investigation of disputes, providing coaching for mediation skills and training for organisations in conflict resolution as well as in developing processes to deal with conflict at work

Blayden Ian

Ian is an exploration geologist by profession and this work has involved extensive travelling locally and internationally and working in a diverse range cultural environments often requiring delicate negotiations He has been working as a mediator since 2000 primarily in the area of family law through Legal Aid NSW. Ian is an accredited FDRP and has recently completed training in Workplace Mediation and Elder Mediation

Barker-Hudson, Brydget and Paul

Brydget and Paul Barker-Hudson provide a unique service based on their wide professional and personal backgrounds and professional and mediation qualifications.

Based in Townsville, North Queensland but enjoying work-related travel throughout Australia they provide respectful, transformative mediation and focused facilitated provide agreed and documented resolutions to challenges confronting families, communities, groups and friends in our fast paced world.

Brydget and Paul and registered family mediators and develop relationships to assist in long-term planning for children and family networks. The facilitative and communication skills encourage co-operative and creative solution-making lasting agreements.

Brasher Kathleen

With significant counselling skill and experience, Kathleen brings to her work as a mediator and Essential Conversations Designated FacilitatorÒ a high level of empathy and an ability to work sensitively and effectively with families.

Kathleen has had many years of experience in the health sector as a nurse, midwife, counsellor and academic working with a diversity of people in the public, private and government sectors. Kathleen holds a BApSci and a PhD from Monash University with certificates in counselling, governance and is currently studying for her certificates in mediation and as an Essential Conversations Project Designated FacilitatorÒ. She is a member of the Australian Association of Gerontology, the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the International Federation on Ageing


Paul Bartley is an experienced Mediator with a Masters Degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution.
Paul has conducted numerous mediations and is registered with, The Office of the Small Business Commissioner (SA), The office of Franchising Mediation, The Supreme Court of South Australia, Workcover SA.

Paul also has qualifications in Accounting and Employment Law and is able to assist parties in reaching a result.

Bistak Lisa

Mr Role: Care Management Officer & Regional Elder Abuse Awareness Liaison Officer.
I currently hold a Bachelors Degree in Social Work and a Graduate Diploma in Gerontology.

During my time within this role I have established The Barwon Elder Abuse Awareness Working Group, established forums in Elder Abuse Awareness and Response for Professionals, and most recently Elder Abuse Awareness Programs within the community. My focus is on education and empowerment in the area of Elder Abuse. I have been involved in cases of elder abuse and use a range of agencies to assist the clients.

Blashki Susan

Sue Blashki is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She is also a former Magistrate in Victoria, having recently retired after 20 years on the bench. She is a member of the Victorian Bar.

Sue is a member of a number of Dispute Resolution organizations, including the Australian Mediation Association (AMA); the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and LEADR.

She has a wealth of experience in settling a wide range of disputes, including Elder mediation (family issues and property, wills and estate matters); Family Law and Workplace matters. She is available to assist parties in resolving their disputes through either mediation or arbitration.


Sara has broad leadership experience including aged care, health and military environments. She has up to date knowledge in leadership and management having attended Mt Eliza Executive Education, building on her Bachelor of Business. She is a graduate of the Vincent Fairfax, Ethics in Leadership program adding an ethical dimension to her skill set. Sara’s leadership in aged care and health is highly credible as she is a Registered Nurse.

Boyle Alysoun

Alysoun Boyle has over 20 years experience in the dispute resolution field in Australia, practising predominately as a mediator. She is also an experienced and respected dispute resolution trainer and educator, and has experience ind disputes system design.

Brazil Raymond

Doctor of Philosophy (Law), University of Sydney Master of Dispute Resolution, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Master of Arts (Philosophy), University of Sydney Bachelor of Laws (Hons I), UTS Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (UTS) Graduate Diploma in Media, Australian …

Brazil Raymond Read More »

Brown Rosemarie

Mediating in both family and business for the past 10 years in Australia and New Zealand. Helping resolve disputes for many families and businesses. Helping families find solutions for their Family Business using Family Business Strategies.

Rosemarie started her career more than 25 years ago in accounting and business and remains a Chartered Accountant, though now works solely in the area of dispute resolution for family and business and solutionism for Family Business.

Byrne Nicola

Nicola is a Regional Manager for Mediation with Family Mediation and Counselling Victoria (FMC) and the lead mediator for FMC’s Respecting Elders programme.
Nicola completed the EMAN training with Dale Bagshaw in 2016.
Nicola’s experience mediating with Respecting Elders is that Family Consultants are the keys to this multi disciplinary service. Their assessment of capacity, risk and which services clients would most benefit from are essential to this successful program.
Counselling and Family meetings are the most common referrals, with Mediation being an important strategic tool and resource.

Carlyon Leasa

Present Professional experience: Restorative Justice Facilitator since 2014 at Community Law Wellington & Hutt Valley Elder Mediation including Elder Abuse matters, Past member of Alzheimers Wellington Board Present Voluntary experience: Judicial Justice of the Peace LinkedIn Profile: Contact: 8 …

Carlyon Leasa Read More »

Carroll-Bell Rebecca

As a nationally accredited, independent mediator, Rebecca Carroll-Bell brings parties together to find satisfying, durable solutions to their conflict. Based in Melbourne, RCB Mediation Services offers a personalised, flexible mediation and dispute resolution process.

After 10 years as a litigation lawyer working across a variety of areas of law including personal injury, tax, debt recovery, wills and estate litigation and in VCATs Guardianship list, Rebecca saw that mediation offers far more to the parties than just settling the legal dispute at hand. Mediation offers the chance to address underlying, unmet psychological needs in a safe environment, and create a new future on many levels.


Robyn Carroll is a professor in the School of Law at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Her teaching, research and practice areas include family law, remedies and mediation. Robyn has published numerous articles and book chapters on remedies, family law and mediation and the role of apologies in dispute resolution. Robyn has published articles about mediation of guardianship and administration matters. In 2013 Robyn was a co-organiser of an interdisciplinary forum at UWA titled ‘Health, Wealth and Hearth: Perspectives on an Ageing Australia’ which brought together policy makers, government and NGO representatives, advocates, academics and practitioners from areas including medicine, social work, gerontology, economics and law.

Carter, Nick

I studied a Master of Dispute Resolution at CSU, which motivated a career change from sales and marketing to mediation.  I am a trained NMAS mediator, Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution, collaborative practitioner, conflict coach, and elder mediator.  I am …

Carter, Nick Read More »

Ceravolo Mary

Mary Ceravolo is a Coordinator with City of Salisbury’s Social Participation and Diversity
Community Health and Wellbeing working with CaLD communities in the northern region.
Mary is a member of the Salisbury Safeguarding Older Adults Group which has been responsible for developing the Division’s policy, procedure and flow chart to assist staff in the identification of and response to cases of Elder Abuse. This initiative has been supported by extensive staff training and a commitment to build knowledge and awareness around safeguarding older adults.

Chan, Elizabeth

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Chan (陳曉彤) is an emerging elder mediator trained at the International Mediation Campus and Family Mediation Canada. She will soon be qualified at the International Mediation Institute and the Singapore International Mediation Institute. Lizzie brings a unique perspective …

Chan, Elizabeth Read More »

Cheok Frida

Dr Frida Cheok is a joint founder and director of Mediation for Elders, which specialises in facilitating conversations involving older people on issues arising in the context of life transitions. Frida’s focus is on helping participants talk through existing or potential problems with the goal of fostering ongoing relationships and building capacity to manage future conflict.
Frida holds a PhD in public health with over 30 years’ experience in senior roles at the forefront of important new health initiatives in a range of areas, including ageing, cancer screening and mental health.

Chee Deborah

Deborah Chee is a senior consultant of ClearSky Legal, and the principal of DSC Law Firm in Chatswood. She has been providing legal services to clients since 1998, chiefly in family law, wills and estate, and property law. Deborah brings to her practice a wealth of commercial knowledge and experience, having been a computer systems consultant and manager for large public and private corporations prior to admission as a lawyer. She is also a Public Notary and a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.


Malcolm is a registered psychologist, a clinical supervisor of psychologists, a trainer and a nationally accredited mediator. Malcolm also practiced for 24 years as a lawyer, including 17 years as a barrister, mainly in the fields of personal injury law, …


Chong, Yue-En

Yue-En Chong

Yue-En Chong TEP received his accreditation as Mediator from Regent’s University London School of Psychotherapy & Psychology in 2014 and was appointed SMC Associate Mediator in Singapore Mediation Centre in January 2015. In the same year, he was appointed to …

Chong, Yue-En Read More »

Clarke, Helen

I am an accredited mediator with the Resolution Institute in New Zealand. I completed my Graduate Diploma in Business Studies (Dispute Resolution) in 2017. My first career was as a Physiotherapist where I worked in both the public and private …

Clarke, Helen Read More »


Garth is a collaboratively trained financial adviser and is one of South Australia’s most experienced collaborative divorce financial advisers. He believes in helping people to work through disputes in a supported and respectful manner. Garth has over 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry encompassing small business lending, insurance and financial advising.

Cooke David

David Cooke has a Bachelor of Social Work, a Graduate Certificate in Corporate Management, is a nationally accredited mediator through the NMAS and a nationally accredited FDRP through the Attorney General’s department. David is a member of Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution (VADR).

David has a strong sense of social justice and a belief in the basic principles of an individual’s right to self-determination and a ‘fair go’. He believes that knowledge and education can help people have a voice and reach their potential. His career and training have all been directed by those basic beliefs as he has supported vulnerable and disadvantaged people for over two decades in a range of guises.

Comber Connie

Connie Comber began her career with a Social Work degree from UNSW. She spent the first decade of her working life in the social service sector, including family counselling and community service design. She was commissioned by the Federal Government to undertake the first qualitative study in the retirement village industry in Australia.

Connie has spent many years gaining experience across different areas of the business world; consulting, senior corporate life, property and real estate; owning and operating her own businesses including as a business mentor and life coach.


Vesna is a lawyer who currently practices as an NMAS-accredited mediator. She is an overseas-qualified lawyer, as well as an Australian lawyer registered with the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory and the High Court of Australia. After more …

CVJETICANIN Vesna Read More »


Jim Cyngler is the founder and director of Jim Cyngler Consulting, which provides mediation services, mediation and conflict management training and facilitation to organisations and individuals. He regularly trains and coaches conflict management both in Australia and overseas.

He has been a practicing mediator since 1992 and is a senior trainer for the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia and is a Principal Instructor under the Australian National Mediator Standards. He is a member of the Victorian Bar.

Jim’s focus is enhancing capacity in managing and transforming conflict as a key leadership and management skill.

Dacy Anthea

Anthea has been a chairperson with Victoria Legal Aid since November 2012 and with Legal Aid NSW since 2015. Anthea worked for many years of her career as a bilingual consultant specialising in trade and investment with China, including working …

Dacy Anthea Read More »

Day Kathy

I am a Community Aged Care and Disability Services Industry Consultant, with over 20 years extensive experience in Executive and Senior Management in Community Aged Care, Disability and Community Health Services in Victoria. I hold a strong conviction on the …

Day Kathy Read More »

Dellelegn, Betelehem

Since graduating from The University of Adelaide with a Bachlor of Commerce (Marketing) in 2017, Betty has been working professionally in various sectors of the field of Marketing; these include marketing research, digital marketing and communications coordinator roles. Since Betty …

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Doyle, Naomi

Naomi is an accomplished Senior Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, blending a legal background with extensive expertise in family mediation. Holding a law degree and a graduate certificate in Family Dispute Resolution, Naomi is also a Nationally Accredited mediator, offering a …

Doyle, Naomi Read More »

Dyce, Siân

Siân Dyce is an NMAS accredited mediator, certified family group conference facilitator and has undertaken specialist training in elder mediation. Siân established Family Talks to guide families facing a life-changing accident or diagnosis to come together to make decisions and …

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Earles Rene

Rene is a lawyer and nationally accredited mediator, currently working as the Senior Coordinator at the SA Family Law Pathways Network and as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with Relationships Australia. Rene is also a Chairperson resolving family law disputes with the Legal Services Commission and works as a Mediation Consultant with SHAW Mediation.

Edwards Wendy

Wendy is an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and is a trained elder mediator. Apart from family mediation, Wendy is also a Learning and Development Consultant who has facilitated a number of experimental learning projects focusing on elder support; working …

Edwards Wendy Read More »

Feeney Kay

Feeney Family Law Director – Family Law Accredited Specialist, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner & Nationally Accredited Mediator Kay Feeney is a highly regarded member of the family law community. Kay started her working life as a teacher and that remains …

Feeney Kay Read More »

Fletcher Ian

Mediator with specialist interest in Elder Mediation

Positive Solutions initiated an elder mediation stream in 2005. We have been acknowledged by receiving a grant from the State Goverment to provide mediation service’s to the Elder Abuse Helpline. Please use our website and contact us wit any quiery.

Ian is a professional elder mediator with has years of interest, practice and ongoing training in assisting families to care for Elders.

FORD Julie

Julie Ford is a full time member of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Triubnal. She is a nationally accredited mediator. She has been a tribunal member for the last 12 years acros the Mental Health Review Triubnal, the previous Guardianship and Administration Triubnal and President of the Children Services Tribunal before the commencement of QCAT.



Nationally Accredited Mediator

Practising lawyer (Consultant) –Drummoyne Inner West Sydney in family law and workplace law
Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney Generals Department.
I conduct mediations in Sydney and throughout NSW –face to face and via the telephone

Fraser Bryan

Bryan is a dispute resolution practitioner and business owner who has worked and volunteered in the Aged Care industry. Within the Aged Care sector, his experience ranges from nursing care, kitchen hand, and cook to recreational and therapeutic activities. Using …

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James Francis is a Mediator and Conflict Management Coach who is an Alternative Dispute Resolution Practitioner for the Australian Defence Force and a serving Army Officer. James has served in the Australian Army for 30 years and specialises in workplace behaviour and leadership.

James is a member of the LEADR association of alternative dispute resolution practitioners and the charity Legacy.


Dr Anita Frayman is a qualified lawyer whose background is in practising and teaching commercial law. Her current focus is on issues facing older Australians. Anita obtained an industry scholarship, as part of a larger Australian Research Council grant, for her recently completed doctoral research. Her research explored the effects of people’s different cultural backgrounds upon their experience of ageing in Australia. She has co-authored and contributed to publications in this area, and delivered numerous conference papers on cultural diversity, ageing, migration and intergenerational conflict.

Frost Megan

First Name                  Megan Last Name                  Frost Title                             Ms Organisation                Relationships Australia (NSW) Position and Role in the Organisation              Practice Specialist Senior Relationships, Coordinator of Let’s …

Frost Megan Read More »

GUNN, William

About my services I accept all matters for mediation and facilitate an efficient electronic practice. Conducting dispute resolution services online provides a number of benefits to parties and practitioners involved in a dispute including reduced travel expenses, greater flexibility when …

GUNN, William Read More »

Harm Teresa

Teresa has worked for over three decades in the community services sector (health, community development, adult community education and advocacy) in a range of roles as facilitator, project management or senior executive. During this period Teresa has either worked or …

Harm Teresa Read More »


Margaret Halsmith is the Principal at Halsmith Dispute Resolution. She has been in practice for over 18 years and is an enthusiastic provider of best practice Mediation for two or more participants and of Dispute Resolution Coaching for individuals.

Hatch Mary Louise

Mary Louise is a Family Lawyer and Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She
currently works as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) in her private practice,
Spectrum Mediations.

Hendrickse Celine

Celine migrated to Australia from Switzerland in 2010 and she joined the team of Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners at Relationships Australia in July 2013. She was nationally accredited by the Federal Attorney General Department of Australia in 2014.

Since 2016, she also trained and works part time in a role of co-therapist at the William Street Family Centre where she uses systematic knowledge to work with couples and families.

Hickey Amanda

With more than 30 years’ experience in in various industries including not-for-profit, large organisations, federal and state government and retail, Amanda has been involved in more than 100 mediations both as mediator as well as supporting those participating in the mediation to resolve disputes involving employment, family law and personal disputes as well as commercial matters.

As a Nationally Accredited Mediator, Amanda holds membership with the Resolution Institute, the Australian Mediation Association and the Victorian Association for Restorative Justice. She has also trained in trauma informed care with the Blue Knot Foundation. Amanda has worked in the areas of aged care including through not-for-profit sector, government and private sectors.

HOPE, Jane

Principal Mediator & Coach at ATD Mediation I provide coaching, facilitation and negotiation skills in dispute resolution, performance development and change management services to businesses, individuals (personal/professional), government agencies, not-for-profits (NFP) and workplaces. With a background spanning over 30yrs across …

HOPE, Jane Read More »

Howard Robin

I am currently practicing as a Family Dispute Resolution practitioner within the KidsAreFirst team and engage in pre-intake/assessment interviews with clients; sole and co-practitioner sessions and also child informed mediation sessions. I also supervise the workers within the team, facilitate groups and work 1:1 with clients.

Humphreys, Jayne

Jayne is a lawyer with over 20 years legal practice, primarily in the area of Wills & Estates, Elder Law and Estate administration. Jayne has been a full member of the Society of Estate Practitioners (STEP) since 2014 and is …

Humphreys, Jayne Read More »

Hunt Michael

Michael has been mediating since 1979. He is a nationally accredited mediator and a clinical member of Australian Family Therapy Association.  At Relationships Australia Victoria he was Director of Mediation through the 90s and Chief Executive Officer through 00s. Michael …

Hunt Michael Read More »

Hyde Mike

Mediation experience: Mike is currently on panels for Family Group conferences through the NSW Family and Community services and the Franchising Code. He is a registered and practicing FDRP. Mike has conducted mediations in all areas listed above as well …

Hyde Mike Read More »

James Alison

Alison (affectionately known as Ali) is a nationally accredited mediator under NMAS. She completed her national accreditation with Bond University in 2011, and a Graduate Certificate in Mediation at the University of South Australian in 2014. Her RMAB is the …

James Alison Read More »

Jarvis Fiona

During the last four decades, I have occupied several different roles as teacher and professional learning leader (Education), Rehabilitation Consultant and Funeral Celebrant. Throughout, I have had opportunities to work with vulnerable people and Elder Mediation offers another context for assisting vulnerable people in our community.
After completing LeadR mediation training in 2015, I became interested in the field of Elder Mediation and subsequently completed a Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution (2016) and participated in a 3-day Elder Mediation Training course in March 2017.
I am currently NMAS accredited and I am also a founding member of the newly established group, Elder Mediation Tasmania,

Jones, Eliza

Eliza Jones (Tasmania) is an Nationally Accredited Mediator and Restorative Justice Practitioner who has operated her own consultancy business for the past 13 years specialising in facilitation of Family Group Conferences for Child Safety Services and Community Conferences for Youth …

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Kassapidis Peter

Peter is a lawyer-mediator engaged in private practice. He is mainly involved in contentious matters encompassing general civil and commercial disputes, wills and estates. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Bachelor of Laws and Masters of Comparative Law. He has a particular interest in dispute resolution processes and has undertaken post-graduate studies to further his repertoire of skills in the areas of mediation and arbitration.

Kelly Simon

Simon Kelly

I am a mediator in the Northern NSW/SEQ area with 3 years experience in providing mediation in crisis accommodation facilities through Uniting Care and also Family Dispute Resolution Matters. I have dealt with the mistreatment of Elderly Clients through Uniting …

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Kelly Marie

Marie is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She is the principal Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner at MEDE8 Resolutions, based in Queensland. Marie also volunteers as a Mediator/FDRP at the Bayside Community Legal Service where …

Kelly Marie Read More »

Kenny Len

Len is a Conflict Resolution Professional and is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, a Clinical Supervisor and Coach. Len completed a Master of Dispute Resolution in 2000. Len also had the opportunity to study Negotiation and …

Kenny Len Read More »

Klinkert Anja

Anja has been mediating and working with a variety of people in dispute professionally since 1996. She immigrated to New Zealand from Germany in 1982, and graduated with an LLB from Otago in 1994. Since 1996 Anja has been practicing law in Dunedin working in general practice, particularly in family, property, employment and civil dispute resolution

Koch Patricia Clare

Patricia was born in Tenterfield in the New England Tablelands of NSW. Following her country education she has since spent the majority of her life in various areas of Sydney, in addition to a couple of posts on the east …

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Kuss Annette

Annette is a joint founder and director of Mediation for Elders which focuses on helping families talk and resolve the emotive issues that can arise in the context of life transitions, thereby preserving familial wellbeing and strengthening future communications. Earlier careers in nursing and rehabilitation counselling, where she managed two successful rehabilitation companies, prior to implementing Australia Post’s SA and NT’s Early Intervention programs, Annette now works as an Elder Mediator.


Professor Wendy Lacey is the Dean of Law at the University of South Australia, where she is engaged as a teacher, researcher and discipline leader. She holds Honours degrees in both Law and Political Science, a PhD in Law from the University of Tasmania, and, prior to joining the University of South Australia, held academic positions at the Universities of Adelaide and Tasmania.


Carmela has been in the financial services industry for over 25 years, working in service and supervisory roles for large super funds, credit unions and institutional banks. She has been directly advising clients since 2007.

Carmela has a broad range of technical knowledge and experience with a focus on her clients’ full circumstances when giving advice.

“I love building relationships with my clients and having not only a professional relationship but being someone they can speak to about anything, to listen to what is going on in their lives and what matters to them.”

LAM, Hollia

Hollia Lam has been working in the legal industry since her admission to legal practice in 2016, with experience across Australia, Hong Kong, and China. Her bilingual skills and diverse cultural background have enabled her to successfully assist clients worldwide. …

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Leeuwenburg Virginia

Virginia Leeuwenburg is the Executive General Manager Post Separation and Gambling Help Services at Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA). She is a qualified social worker, child consultant registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and nationally accredited mediator with over 25 years’ …

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Lenagh Cecilia

Cecilia Lenagh maintains a private practice in conflict resolution, Engage Conflict Consulting, and teaches social work in Charles Sturt University. Cecilia has degrees in law, social work and dispute resolution, and is a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, and an accredited member of the Australian Association of Social Workers.


Marg is an independent facilitator and accredited mediator – working with a particular focus on applying collaborative facilitation and mediation to organizational change, leadership development and community engagement projects. Marg Leser and Associates has extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector …

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Lennox, Rochelle

Rochelle has been a lawyer since 1997 and qualified as a mediator in 2015. She registered as an accredited family dispute resolution practitioner in 2016 and completed a Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution in March 2015. She also completed …

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Leser, Marg

Marg is an accredited mediator – working with a particular focus on applying collaborative facilitation and mediation to working through conflict. Marg has completed EMANs’ Advanced Elder Mediation Professional Development Program in 2019 and has an MBA focused on strategy, …

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David is a founding member of the Fremantle Mediation Group Inc.

After graduating with a Mathematics degree from Oxford University, David worked as a commodity trader in London, then as a financial director and non-executive director on several company boards, treasurer of various Associations, and latterly as Owner builder and site labourer.


Kevin has over 20 years’ experience as a mediator, conciliator and negotiator. He is known for his discretion, tact, honesty and a common sense approach to the resolution of problems. He combines over thirty five years of work experience with academic qualifications in law and conflict resolution.

He has a demonstrated passion for people. He is a genuinely caring, compassionate and inclusive person.

Kevin’s own family life has given him a deep appreciation for those with a disability.

His innovative practice, focuses on mediation and dispute resolution practice in many areas including both public and private workplaces, the building industry, families and for the specific needs of seniors.

Lucas Catherine

Catherine Lucas is a Mediator accredited with the National Mediator Accreditation System and registered with the Mediator Standards Board.  Catherine is also a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Catherine was admitted as a lawyer in 2003. She has experience in …

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Lynch Jean

Jeane Lynch – Solicitor (LLM) (non-practicing), accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, (FDRP), Elder Mediation trained, CM-1 Mediator, Relationship Mediator and Transition and Recovery Coach at hope & harmony coaching and mediation. Contact Email: Address: Centrsl Coast, NSW Website: 

Maguire Michael

Michael Maguire is a Solicitor and Mediator with over 30 years experience covering complex corporate and workplace disputes through to family law and Wills & estates.
Based in Brisbane, Michael’s experience across a wide variety of legal disputes has honed his mediation skills. His extensive experience in family law and other areas of law has enabled Michael to become a skilled Mediator.

Mayne Rachael

Rachael Mayne, EEN (NZ), B.Soc.Sci (NZ), FDRP(AU), Cert. EM Advanced Rachael Mayne is a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP) and is accredited under the National Mediator Accreditation Scheme (NMAS) in Australia and most recent a certified Elder Mediator with …

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Mahney Greg

Greg heads Advocare, a NFP that works to protect the rights of older people. It provides, advocacy, support and education about nursing home services, community aged care services, and in the area of elder abuse.

Greg is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, has a Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Sociology, a Master of Arts in Public Policy, is a Justice of the Peace, a graduate of the AICD Company Directors Course, and Chairs the Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.

Marshall Caroline

Caroline is a Senior Consultant and Partner at Facilitatrix, an innovative company providing specialist services for vulnerable adults in Western Australia. She is an accredited mediator with LEADR and her practice focuses on working with seniors and people with cognitive disabilities who may be involved in family conflict. Caroline has a particular interest in guardianship and administration matters, preventing elder abuse and safeguarding the rights of people with disabilities.


Jenny is an experienced mediator and arbitrator practitioner and educator and is a member of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (IAMIA). Her practice is in environment, planning, neighbourhood, justice, family, parent-adolescent and adult-elder mediations. Her interests include families in conflict situations involving older family members as well as non-conflict situations where difficult decisions need to be made as well coaching services to prepare older people and adult family members for conversations on difficult topics. A focus is on the role of advocacy in adult-elder mediation.

Matthews, Spencer

Spencer is an accredited mediator with a background in emergency services management. He is a member of AMINZ with qualifications in mediation and arbitration through Massey and Charles Sturt Universities. As a crisis negotiator with police he resolved critical incidents …

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McDonald Alan Peter

Alan McDonald is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and an Accountant and has a Master of Dispute Resolution (dist). Alan has been a mediator since the beginning of mediation in Australia and has mediated a variety of disputes including commercial, leasing, strata, community and many other classes of disputes .

McNamara Jo-Anne M

Jo-Anne M McNamara is a Nationally Accredited (Attorney Generals Department), Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner , and NMAS Mediator. The Principal Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution at Adrams Mediation Services based in WA. Jo-Anne M McNamara works with families, CALD and …

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McNamara Philip James

Principal Solicitor – McNamara & Associates Lawyers and Conveyancers Former Lecturer Business Law Former Principal Representative of the Real Estate Institute (NSW) Former Presenter / Trainer for Department of State and Regional Development Qualifications Notary Public (NSW) Solicitor to Supreme …

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Millar-Hoffmann Louise

Louise Millar-Hoffmann is a Nationally Qualified Mediator (NMAS) and a Registered Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Practitioner. Louise conducts mediations and facilitated conversations across Melbourne including the CBD, Eastern, North-Eastern and South-Eastern suburbs and online. Louise is passionate about helping people …

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Miller Bonnie

Bonnie has been a professional member of the Resolution Institute (formerly LEADR Association of Dispute Resolvers) since 2006 and is a Registered Nurse, Division 1. She is currently a panel member of the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

Mollison, Toni

Toni is a qualified counsellor, criminologist and advocate with extensive experience working in Australia and the United Kingdom Youth Justice Services. Toni’s experience has provided her with the ability to work effectively with individuals, particularly youth, who have been identified …

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In her elder mediations, Amanda Molomby supports families to discuss their concerns about their elder relative as they progress through the ageing process. Amanda grew up in a household that included her elderly grandparents and as they aged, assisted her parents caring for them. Prior to undertaking her nurses training, Amanda worked in a high dependency care unit in an aged care facility.

Moore, Gillian

Gillian brings extensive experience in retirement living, specialising in complaints handling and dispute resolution within the manufactured homes and land lease communities sector. Her diverse background includes working with individuals in crisis and serving on the board of a non-profit …

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Morrissey Keith

Very experienced Conciliator, Mediator, FDRP Practitioner and former Registrar Family Court of Australia and former Manager at Family Relationship Centre Maroochydore Queensland. Presently FDRP/Mediator at CatholicCare Broken Bay.

Müller Roland

Roland is an experienced lawyer and mediator, who especially enjoys the challenge of working with high-conflict personalities and assisting parties to resolve complex and unusual disputes. Roland’s experience in representing parties to a broad range of disputes in court and …

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Murphy Jill


I am currently practicing as a workplace, elder and family mediator and also conduct workplace investigations and team reviews. I have my own consulting business, Open Road Consulting, and also work as a consultant for Worklogic, delivering mediation services for community organisations, …

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Neighbour Vynka-lee

Vynka-lee Neighbour has over 25 years experience in counselling a wide spectrum of people. She has a broad experience in working with couples, individuals, adolescents, families, older adults, workplaces and groups.

Vynka-lee has extensive post-graduate training and uses a diverse range of counselling skills, integrating a number of different models of therapy tailored to each individual client. These include Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Psycho-education, Family Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Grief and Loss Therapy and others as appropriate. She provides Mediation, Training, Critical Incident Debriefing and other services.


Elly Nitschke has been using mediation to assist older people, including those with impaired decision making capacity, and their family members to resolve disputes since 2000. Looking for ways to ensure that older people’s voices are not lost in the midst of conflicts, Elly has used her experience to inform mediation research projects which focused on older people, partnering with the University of South Australia.

Noonan Gaynor

RN BSc Hons Nursing Studies with post graduate certificate in primary and community nursing, currently attending NMAS accreditation training at UWA. I have worked in the acute sector, the community and in aged care in the UK and also within …

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Pryor Bonnie

I am a Nationally accredited Mediator and an accredited FDRP. I operate my own business ‘Bonnie Pryor Mediation’ in Wagga Wagga, the Riverina – South West Slopes region NSW and online dispute resolution. Contact: Email: Mail Address: PO Box …

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Pitts Chris

Chris has practiced as a mediator for 10 years focussing on helping his clients resolve their disputes and manage conflict in communities, business, neighbourhoods and the workplace.  He has a particular interest in dispute avoidance and is a member of …

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Irving Peter

Peter Irving is a Nationally Accredited Mediator, a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and a retired solicitor. Peter has been a mediator since 1989 and has mediated a variety of disputes including commercial and personal injuries disputes . Since 2000 he has been an active member of the panel of mediators for Family Law disputes at the Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales.

Vohralik John

I have been mediating for many years and have been Nationally Accredited since around the time that the national accreditation system began. Prior to that I was accredited in 1993 as a mediator with LEADR (now known as the Resolution Institute). I have provided assistance to the Resolution Institute with its video training sessions for mediation students for many years as a volunteer. My website is

I am presently working on growing my mediation practice, and am particularly interested in mediation of commercial, insurance, insolvency, professional indemnity, construction, banking and finance, intellectual property, consumer law, franchising, employment,wills and estates, elder law, property (incl tenancy), class action and general negligence and equity disputes.

Oayda, Robert

Robert Oayda is the principal of Dispute Resolution Pty Ltd, a boutique company offering expert Dispute Resolution and Negotiation services, with a commitment to confidentiality and excellence. Robert’s authenticity, honesty and empathy foster trust among all parties, creating a safe …

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O’Loughlin Sally

Sally O’Loughlin Regional Manager Alzheimer’s Australia NSW (Hunter and Central Coast)
NSW Program Manager Younger Onset Dementia
Over the last 30 years, in my professional career , in both my studies and career path, I have to worked across the many genres of the human service field .Starting at the early age of 14, I become involved weekend respite program called “ Interchange” , that supported families to have a break from their young child, with a disability.

O Maolalaí Seosamh

eosamh Ó Maolalaí is a facilitator and mediator working in the HR Department of the Irish health services.
He is a certified mediator and member of the Mediator’s Institute of Ireland (MII). His mediation experience is primarily in the area of workplace mediation under the Irish health service’s Dignity at Work policy. He has also some experience of mediation within community organizations and client-service provider mediation in the health service.

O’Rourke Susan

Susan is a dispute resolution practitioner practising in wills and estate and family law. Susan passionately believes in the protection and empowerment of the elderly through dispute resolution services such as elder mediation that are an alternate to the court …

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O’Sullivan Tom

Tom is a nationally-accredited NMAS mediator (National Mediator Accreditation System), registered family dispute resolution practitioner (FDRP), and Senior Solicitor, who works with clients to resolve their disputes through mediation and conciliation. Tom is based in Sydney and conducts face-to-face, online, …

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Papalia, Kim

A senior executive with over 35 years of experience in management and governance, having followed a career path that has been diverse and interesting and led to the opportunity to work with very clever and passionate people to generate better …

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Passlow Gabrielle

Gabrielle has a passion for working with vulnerable people and supporting them to have a voice on decisions and actions that impact them. She has extensive experience in mediation, conflict coaching and family dispute resolution. Gabrielle works in private practice …

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Pepper Tim

I am most interested in this area or the law and the future of elder law generally. I have been a legal practitioner since graduating from Monash, then articles with Corr and Corr and then travelling for a few years …

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Perry Cathy

My name is Cathy Perry and I currently work for Relationships Australia SA. I recently completed the Graduate Diploma for Family Conflict Resolution as my current role often has me involved in supporting people who are involved with complex and ongoing conflict.
I have an interest and passion for the rights of our Elderly population and have supported many families through both counselling and in my previous role as a nurse during critical times.

Price Kathryn

Kate Price offers a range of dispute resolution services, including mediation, conferencing, coaching and training. Kate has been a mediator for over ten years and has worked with neighbours, families, community organisations as well as workplaces and businesses in conflict. …

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Initially trained as a lawyer, Anna has spent the last 3 decades focusing on conflict management in New York (1 year) and New Zealand. Anna is a leading trainer in dispute resolution in New Zealand and a very experienced mediator. She has lectured at Auckland University Law School, trained at or designed hundreds of workshops, and been a regular conference presenter, on topics including communication, negotiation, mediation, neuro-competency and the psychology of conflict. Anna has also been a trainer with LEADR for over 18 years; is a Leadr Advanced Panel Member and holds National Accreditation.

Ranson Barry

I am the principal at Austwide Mediation Pty Ltd. I am an experienced businessman who has been involved in the Franchise industry for the last 20 years as a multi store franchisee and have assisted franchisees and franchisors in dispute …

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Rechter Sue

I’ve been teaching social sciences for 12 years at ACU Victoria. I have been trained in mediation with an emphasis on the transformative model, and am nationally accredited. While I’m particularly interested in elder mediation, I’m currently undertaking the Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Graduate Diploma at Relationships Australia, as there is, as far as I know, no specialist training in the elder mediation area.

ROLLS Brenda

I have been a practicing mediator since 1992 with tertiary qualifications and accredited by IAMA and LEADR. I gained national accreditation (NMAS) in December 2008. My experience as a mediator has included disputes in private and public sectors, commercial and small business, Boards of Management, aged care, neighbourhood and employment with an underpinning knowledge of relevant legislation where applicable. I have utilized face to face, shuttle, telephone and Video Conferencing processes.

PORTER Annette

Volunteer case worker
Community Mediation Services
South Australia

Currently engaged in the field of community mediation, I am passionate about alternative dispute resolution with the goal of maintaining and fostering ongoing relationships.
I have extensive experience working with the elderly in both hospital settings and nursing homes, leading to an understanding of the many difficulties often faced by the elderly and their families and the conflicts this can cause.

Regan, Davina

Davina is a mediator with over fifteen years of mediation practice, primarily in the area of restorative justice, community and family. Davina is an NMAS Accredited Mediator and a NSW Attorney General accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. She is a …

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Regan Jen

Mediator, Jen Regan, has a background in law and specialises in assisting parties through the power of mediation. Driven by a passion for negotiation and self determination, Jen is a neutral and impartial facilitator with experience in high conflict and …

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Richards Nicholas

Our Mediators are federally accredited to provide mediation services throughout Australia. People choose our service, as our practitioners have postgraduate specialisations in law and dispute resolution and are commonly called upon by major law firms to resolve elder disputes in …

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Rudnik Elena

Dr Elena Rudnik career includes thirty years working in disability and primary health services as a counsellor, researcher and manager in Government, NGO and University sectors. After ten years teaching and coordinating communit- based research in rural medicinal schools, Elena …

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Ryan Sherrie

Dr Sherrie Ryan has a PhD in politics and a law degree. She worked as a criminal and family lawyer with the Legal Services Commission of SA before joining the Family Relationship Centre Port Augusta as Manager/nationally accredited Senior Family …

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In February 2013, Alison retired as a partner of BBS Lawyers and Mediators, and set up her own mediation practice; SHAW Mediation Australia. This decision was driven by her goal to change and reshape how most disputes are resolved, and give people resolution – not just solutions. Alison is a Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS) and in 2014, Alison completed further postgraduate studies in mediation at University of South Australia, and was appointed to the Adelaide Magistrates Court panel of Mediators


Ena is a registered psychologist and a registered FDR Practitioner. Ena was the Chair of the 4th National Mediation Conference April 1998 and Chair of the Board for the 12th National Mediation Conference 2014. She has extensive experience in the settlement of disputes involving interpersonal relationships such as family Law, Elder mediation and workplace disputes.

SHAW Vicki

Vicki Shaw is the Founder and Principal of Ashridge Mediation. Working as a mediator in family, community and workplace disputes, she will put her communication and mediation skills to good use and make a difference to people in conflict, assisting …

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Dr Amanda Shea Hart is a well qualified and experienced mediator and accredited mental health clinician with over 30 years practice experience. Dr Shea Hart has held management and senior positions in government and community sectors and is an experienced private practitioner. Dr Shea Hart is also an experienced academic and skills trainer for a range of professionals and organizations.

Silver Michele

Michele qualified as a solicitor in South Africa and is a qualified Mediator, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Nationally Accredited Mediator, Coach and trained Child Consultant. Michele has worked as a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with CatholicCare and is currently working …

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SIMBI Esther

My name is Esther Simbi and I am 36 years old. I am originally from South Sudan. I am one of six and I’m the youngest in the family. I had polio as a three year old and I now suffer from Post-Polio Syndrome as a result. I migrated to Uganda with my family in the mid 1980s as a refugee aged 6 years old. I lived in three different refugee camps in Uganda for a period of 19 years where I was exposed to violation of human rights, violence, crimes in the refugee camp, abuse, poverty, poor living conditions, starvation due to lack of food as well as lack of shelter and lack of medical attention in the refugee camp.

Simpson Cady

Cady is the director of Sorted Dispute Resolution. She is a nationally accredited mediator and an accredited family dispute resolution practitioner. Cady has been a lawyer for over 14 years and has also worked in conciliation and investigation. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, a Graduate Certificate in Law, a Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution Practice, and is an accredited Standard Mental Health First Aider. She has also completed a short course in Elder Mediation through Consensus Conflict Management.

Spijer, Daan

Daan Spijer studied science and law at the University of Melbourne and graduated in law in 1972. In 1977-79 he trained as a therapist in London and worked in that field through the 1980s in Melbourne. From mid-1991 to mid-2007 …

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Professor Tania Sourdin is the Foundation Chair and Director of the Australian Centre for Justice Innovation (ACJI) at Monash University in Australia. She is an active mediator, conciliator and adjudicator and is a member of a number of tribunals and panels.
She wrote the National Mediator Accreditation Standards and has led national research projects and produced important recommendations for court and non-adversarial justice reform. She has conducted research into conflict resolution and disputant perceptions in eight courts and four independent conflict schemes and currently has three major evaluation projects in this area.

Sutton William

Highly experienced Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with specialised knowledge and skills in cases of violence and abuse. I am also an Alternate Dispute Resolution for Care and Protection of Children and Young People. Contact Pone :02 43562600 Fax: 02 43562601 …

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Denis has the experience and resolve to settle disputes which can otherwise be enormously costly and can lead to a “winner takes all” rather than a “win-win” resolution for both parties. Denis invented the MyMediation (MM) process so that parties …

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Stepanov Nikola

Nikola enjoys a wide and varied professional portfolio which includes working as a mediator in her company Q Resolutions Pty Ltd; as an ethics and health law academic; working clinically as an ethicist; and also working as a consultant to health institutions, government and industry.
Her educational background and training is as diverse as her taste in 80s music and includes undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in health, ethics, medical law and education; and a PhD in paediatric medicine, professional ethics and human rights/ humanitarian law with the Melbourne Medical School and the School of Population & Global Health, The University of Melbourne.

Stranger Anne-Marie

Over 25 years experience in dispute resolution, mediation, FDR, and conflict resolution supported by advanced training in negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution. I am an accredited mediator and a member of professional bodies including Resolution Institute formally LEADR, AMA and …

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STESIN Vasantha

Vasantha is an experienced corporate and commercial solicitor with prior qualifications in pharmacy and currently an active Nationally Accredited Mediator. She worked internationally, in marketing and business development, within the multinational pharmaceutical industry prior to her entry into legal practice, originally in the United Kingdom. She advises broadly within the health care arena including commercial and litigious matters


Tom Stodulka graduated in Law at Sydney University in 1974. He was an early convert to the practice of mediation dating back to 1994 and after 20 years and over 2500 mediations to his name, he continues to run a national ADR practice based in Brisbane. In addition to national accreditation in Australia, he enjoys accreditation in PNG, China and India.

Swan Donna

Donna is an accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner with the Attorney General’s Dept. and a nationally accredited mediator who works with Relationships Australia Victoria. Donna has worked across the fields of ageing, mental health, community development and trauma informed cultural …

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Symons Mick

Mick Symons is an independent investigator with extensive experience in criminal and administrative law. Mick is an experienced investigator specialising in two specific areas involving elder abuse. Fraud or theft is a major issue to the elderly. The “offenders” can …

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Tait, Fiona

Fiona is accredited as an EMIN Elder Mediator Advanced, NMAS mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. Between 2018 and 2023 Fiona worked as an Elder Mediator Resolution Practitioner with Relationships Australia NSW’s ‘Let’s Talk’ Elder Mediation and Support Service. She …

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Terracini Dennis

Proprietor: Mediation with Purpose In demand as a specialist Mediator (Businesses, Families and Individuals) ·Commenced with The Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators Australia (IAMA) – 2013 ·Practitioner’s Certificate in Mediation – 2013 ·Professional Membership of the Resolution Institute ·Special interest …

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Tetu Kathy

Kathy Tetu principle mediator & coach with coaching at Conflict Management Mediation Services

CMMS serves to help people to deal with challenges, to understand themselves and their responses to others they have family and work relationships with. This is done through mediation, coaching and training. CMMS helps clients to negotiate agreements that establish clarity for their future so that their family and working lives are as harmonious and fulfilling as possible.

Thredgold Jann

Throughout a successful teaching career, Jann began to build upon a passion for conflict resolution, mediation and restorative justice. This interest has been furthered across a range of postgraduate studies in the fields of dispute resolution.  Mediation and conflict resolution …

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Underwood Galatee

Galatee is a French and Australian citizen, and provides mediation services in both languages. In 2015 she founded Underwood Mediation, a private mediation practice. Formally trained in facilitative mediation and in Family Dispute Resolution, Galatee applies her skills in a variety of areas including:

Family Dispute Resolution
Workplace | Business
Property | Wills & Estates
Neighbourhood | Community
Galatee has also developed a particular interest in the challenges for bilingual and international families, as well as for multicultural workplaces.

WEBB Eileen

Dr Eileen Webb is a Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Western Australia and co-director of the Faculty of Law’s Consumer Research Unit. She is a foundation member of the Australian Research Network on Law and Ageing (ARNLA). Eileen is currently coordinating a joint research project with the Council on the Ageing Western Australia (COTAWA) titled Security of tenure for the ageing population in Western Australia

Wells Mike

Mike Wells is a 20 year lawyer who, in 2009, realised that the system of lawyers, litigation and courts was not really helping people who were caught up in conflict. In fact, it often made things worse. So Mike trained …

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Welsh Christine

Over 25 years of experience in dispute resolution, mediation, coaching, training and conflict management coaching, supported by a Master of Dispute Resolution degree; study at Harvard in negotiation and mediation skills; and numerous short courses. An accredited mediator and member of professional bodies including LEADR, ADRA and the International Coach Federation (ICF).

Willi, Temara

Temara Willis is the Founder and Principal Mediator of Adelaide Family Mediation. Adelaide Family Mediation was established in 2017 and continues to grow. Adelaide Family Mediation provides a quick and amicable solution to your family or financial matters. We will …

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Rhonda is a nationally accredited mediator. It was her during her commercial career as a senior business executive of large, technology dominant, international corporations that she sought to understand additional ways to resolve disputes after observing some of the financial and business productivity impacts which accompanied protracted and costly court-centred litigation.