Kate Price offers a range of dispute resolution services, including mediation, conferencing, coaching and training. Kate has been a mediator for over ten years and has worked with neighbours, families, community organisations as well as workplaces and businesses in conflict.
Kate’s interest in elder mediation has grown our of her experiences with family and workplace mediation. Some of the most common issues Kate has assisted with include:
- inter-generational conflict in workplaces, acknowledging the capabilities and protecting the rights of older workers, particularly those close to “retirement age”
- grandparents seeking to maintain or re-establish contact with estranged grandchildren after family breakdown
- managing the financial and other impacts on grandparents when they are called on to assume caring duties for grandchildren
- navigating conversations with family and service providers about maintaining independence in later life, including aged care assessments, advanced care directives and end of life planning
Organisation: Chalice Consulting
Position and Role in the Organisation: Managing Director
Email Address: kprice@chaliceconsulting.com
Mail Address: 9 Landor Place, Kambah ACT 2902
Phone Number(s): 0414340024
Fax Number: n/a
Website Address: www.chaliceconsulting.com