Stepanov Nikola

Nikola enjoys a wide and varied professional portfolio which includes working as a mediator in her company Q Resolutions Pty Ltd; as an ethics and health law academic; working clinically as an ethicist; and also working as a consultant to health institutions, government and industry.
Her educational background and training is as diverse as her taste in 80s music and includes undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in health, ethics, medical law and education; and a PhD in paediatric medicine, professional ethics and human rights/ humanitarian law with the Melbourne Medical School and the School of Population & Global Health, The University of Melbourne.
Professional qualifications include training and certification in mediation with the Department of Justice (Qld) under the National Mediator Assessment Scheme; and family dispute resolution.
Nikola is also currently completing the Juris Doctor (DJUR) with plans to continue to combine her clinical academic career with a legal/mediation career specialising in elder and children’s matters. She is passionate about elder and child advocacy, and is an elder and child friendly, collaborative practitioner.
Her other roles include: Director of the Centre for Health Ethics, Law and Educaiton (CHELE in the Tropics); Chairperson of the Townsville Health and Hospital Services (THHS) Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) and membership of the Metro-South Human Research Ethics Committee (as a category “F”). She is also on the Steering Committee for the Centre for Children’s Health Ethics and Law (CCHEL) at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital; and the Advisory Committee of not-for-profit, Praxis Australia Pty Ltd. In her spare time Nikola is a keen but slow distance runner. Other interests include sleeping, chocolate, and playing forgotten 1980’s hits on her tarnished saxophone “Walter”.

THHS Ext: 32134
M. +61 457 300 669
Office: Research Support Unit | Level 1, JCU Clinical School, The Townsville Hospital | 100 Angus Smith Drive, Douglas QLD 4814
Post: IMB 52 | PO Box 670 | Townsville | QLD | 4810