Mike Wells is a 20 year lawyer who, in 2009, realised that the system of lawyers, litigation and courts was not really helping people who were caught up in conflict. In fact, it often made things worse. So Mike trained as a Mediator, Collaborative Practitioner and Restorative Justice facilitator, and founded his own legal practice, Better Separations.
Mike’s strength is his ability to build rapport and trust with clients and he is a great listener. Mike has worked closely with people from a variety of settings who are amidst high levels of stress, including but not limited to: couples and families; neighbours; people with a disability; sporting situations; workplaces; clergy; and many others.
Mike has also taught Mediation at RMIT to students hoping to make a career in the area of Dispute Resolution. From 2018 and onwards, Mike has added to his skillset by working in the areas of guardianship, disability and with people who have diminished capacity.
Mail Address: PO BOX 5144 BURNLEY VIC 3121
Phone Number(s) 0408359027