Kuss Annette

Annette is a joint founder and director of Mediation for Elders which focuses on helping families talk and resolve the emotive issues that can arise in the context of life transitions, thereby preserving familial wellbeing and strengthening future communications. Earlier careers in nursing and rehabilitation counselling, where she managed two successful rehabilitation companies, prior to implementing Australia Post’s SA and NT’s Early Intervention programs, Annette now works as an Elder Mediator.

A psychology degree and 17 years of counselling has provided a solid foundation for understanding and assisting the interactions of people in conflict and compliments her post graduate diploma in Mediation & Conflict Resolution. A particular area of interest is mediating a range of disputes involving an elderly person suffering dementia, as well as advanced care planning following a dementia diagnosis. As a mother, grandmother and daughter of an elderly parent, Annette can relate to the needs and unique challenges of each of the three generations. It is this understanding that allows Annette to more readily assist the different generations in finding common ground and moving to joint solutions.

Annette has volunteered as a Lifeline counsellor and currently continues as a volunteer for the Animal Welfare League.