Blashki Susan

Sue Blashki is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and a Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner.  She is also a former Magistrate in Victoria, having recently retired after 20 years on the bench. She is a member of the Victorian Bar.

Sue is a member of a number of Dispute Resolution organizations, including the Australian Mediation Association (AMA); the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) and  LEADR.

She has a wealth of experience in settling a wide range of disputes, including Elder mediation (family issues and property, wills and estate matters); Family Law and Workplace matters. She is available to assist parties in resolving their disputes through either mediation or arbitration.


Sue has had a long-term involvement with Elder mediation having been on the Board of Management for approximately 12 years of an Aged Care facility in Melbourne with approximately 500 residents and 500 staff. She was Vice-President of that Board for some years. She was also involved in the establishment of a Palliative Care Centre on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, and was recognized for this work by being appointed a Life Governor of Peninsula Health.


She was appointed by the Commonwealth Attorney General as a member of the Family Law Council (a statutory body which advises the Commonwealth Government) and during the period of her service on the Council was the

Convener of the Child and Family Services Committee, and was also a member of other committees of the council including Violence and Family Law; Litigants in Person and Civil and Religious Divorce, (specifically dealing with Jewish and Muslim divorce.)


She was the Supervising Magistrate for Family Law and Family Violence, whilst a Magistrate in Victoria.


She has been a member of a number of Committees involved in the preparation and drafting of legislation for the Victorian and Commonwealth Government, and the Victorian Law Reform Commission.


She has presided over many civil disputes, including conducting Arbitrations; acted as Coroner in the Victorian Coroner’s Court; conducted hearings relating to Victims of Crime; Child Protection and a large number of criminal cases.


She was involved in the establishment of the Children’s Koori Court, a court specifically set up to hear cases involving young indigenous offenders.


She has had a very broad involvement in education having lectured at Victoria University; Leo Cussen Institute and the Victorian Bar, and presented at Conferences on a variety of subjects.


  •  Master of Law (Monash University)
  • Bachelor of Law (University of Melbourne)
  • Diploma of Education (Monash University)
  • Nationally Accredited Mediator
  • Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
  • Admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria
  • Member of the Victorian Bar
