Fletcher Ian

Ian Fletcher  Mediator with specialist interest in Elder Mediation

Positive Solutions initiated an elder mediation stream in 2005. We have been acknowledged by receiving a grant from the State Goverment to provide mediation service’s to the Elder Abuse Helpline. Please use our website and contact us wit any quiery.

Ian is a professional elder mediator with has years of interest, practice and ongoing training in assisting families to care for Elders.

You may be interested to find his paper on Elder Mediation at the 2012 National Mediation Conferece Sydney.

Organisation:  Positive Solutions

Email Address colombine@bigpond.com
Mail Address : ‘Positive Solutions’, 162 Mac quarter St, Hobart.
Phone: 03 62235612
Fax:  email admin@positivesolutions.com.au
Website: www.positivesolutions.com.au