David Cooke has a Bachelor of Social Work, a Graduate Certificate in Corporate Management, is a nationally accredited mediator through the NMAS and a nationally accredited FDRP through the Attorney General’s department. David is a member of Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution (VADR).
David has a strong sense of social justice and a belief in the basic principles of an individual’s right to self-determination and a ‘fair go’. He believes that knowledge and education can help people have a voice and reach their potential. His career and training have all been directed by those basic beliefs as he has supported vulnerable and disadvantaged people for over two decades in a range of guises.
David qualified as a social worker in the early 90’s and has worked in Australia and in the UK in a range of social work roles including child protection, education, family support and other generalist roles. From 2002 – 2013 David managed the property team at State Trustees Victoria. Much of his work, and that of his team, involved off site mediation and negotiation around issues relating to elderly clients. State Trustees are not only executor for 1500 deceased estates each year, but are also the independent administrator for over 9000 Victorians with a disability, many of whom were elderly. David was also involved in a number of projects specifically to do with elder abuse whilst at State Trustees.
Since 2013 David has managed the Ringwood, Broadmeadows and Werribee sites of FMC Mediation and Counselling Victoria. FMC offer FDR and property mediation, individual and couple counselling, child counselling and financial counselling services. David is a member of the leadership group at FMC and actively participates in program and project development. FMC are currently running an elder mediation pilot project, of which David is a key contributor.
David has had an interest in elder mediation and elder issues for many years and is co-founder of the www.retirementvillageinfo.com.au website. This website provides information and advocacy for retirees who are looking to buy into a retirement village. It highlights some of the complexities, and key pitfalls made when signing retirement village contracts, and provides clarity in a very complex area.
Feel free to contact David on 0402 165 774 or david.cooke@mediation.com.au .